Danh mc: H tr chy chng trình > Java > Download Java. Mode and will therefore never load your 32-bit Java plugin. Phn mm Download Java ã có phiên bn mi 8 Update 311 64bit tìm và ti v ti ây > Download Java. If you have these options enabled then the browser tab process will run in 64-bit

If IE11 does not load 32-bit Java on Windows 10 then you should check the following to begin with: As such, they *should* launch 32-bit Java. On Windows 10 the IE11 browser tab processes run in 32-bit mode by default. Working in the first place, by the time things break nobody knows what the proper (automated) fix is. The documentation from both Microsoft and Oracle is so unbelievably lame that even if you manage to get things And that is something a lot of people are facing. Note that the 32 bit version got a bit further - it at least tried to show the version details, but hung at the spinning wheel.
You still do not know what the actual problem was. Ive tried everything in the Java help section to get the 64 bit Java v7 update 9 to run in IE 10 - no joy The verify tool says no java found. That is not a solution, that is a work-around.